
A knowledge base of the world’s systems

System is a free, open, and living public resource that aims to explain how anything in the world is related to everything else.

Today, System comprises millions of relationships between thousands of topics, and counting. As the world becomes increasingly complex and interdependent, our vision is to statistically relate everything as one system. We believe that seeing the whole system will help us all make better decisions — at home, at work, and as a society.

Learn more about System.


System is built on top of the System Platform, which comprises a suite of APIs, connectors, and packages powered by a large-scale graph database.

The platform extracts, enriches, normalizes, resolves, and stores metadata about things that are related statistically. These relationships can be searched and retrieved through open standards. The essence of the platform is the statistical relationship.

Read more about the platform


The statistical evidence on System is retrieved from peer-reviewed scientific papers, open data, and open machine learning models.

Read our technical documentation

License & Sustainability

Like Wikipedia, System is being built by and for the world under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. We’re committed to maintaining free and open access to System, and to sharing the statistical metadata on System in an open and interoperable format. We actively support open data and open science.

We are well-funded through a combination of VC and grants. This has given us the time and space to focus on building System the right way while testing various paths to a sustainable business model that aligns with our charter.

Read our charterRead our terms of use and privacy policy

From silos to systems®

Finally, a way to see and understand the world as it actually is, all related and connected.

Powered by AI and built on the System Graph, System helps you explore, analyze, visualize, and track any topic as a system.

Explore the factors that affect and are affected by a topic

Sort by the amount of research or the strength of the relationship

Filter the research

Sharpen your search with filters for quality, depth, recency, methodology, and more

Analyze the evidence

Dig into the data behind a relationship, extracted and linked with System’s AI

Synthesize the research

Generate a summary of the research with System’s AI

Visualize the system

Explore how things are connected and click in to examine the evidence

See the
whole system