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2023 Public Benefit Report

Esther Orudiakumo


Today we are pleased to share our 2023 Public Benefit Report, which summarizes our efforts to the commitments laid out in our charter. Below is a review of each commitment and our status for each in 2023:

Below is a review of each commitment and our status for each in 2023:

Maintain a free, open, and collaborative knowledge base of the world’s systems, hosted at, that is designed to help people understand how all things in the world are statistically related.

Yes. remains free and accessible to the general public.

Promote and celebrate diversity and inclusion in our hiring and employment policies and practices at all levels of our company.

Yes. We continue to prioritize diversity and inclusion in our hiring and employment practices. We routinely report this information in our Board meeting. Here is the latest breakdown of diversity within our team:

  • % non-male (total) = 44%
  • % non-male (leadership) = 50%
  • % non-white (total) = 44%
  • % non-white (leadership) = 50%


Maintain free and open access to content shared by users on

N/A. We are not currently supporting user-generated content on

Promote the scientific method and the values of scientific thinking.

Yes. We continue to place a strong emphasis on accurately representing scientific information throughout the platform and reporting on the performance of our models. The scientific method is also reflected in the way we think and build as a team.

Share the statistical metadata on in an open and interoperable format, and to actively support open data and open science. 

Yes. We share the statistical metadata on without restriction. We actively support open science through our use of a CC license.

Uphold strict user data privacy and never sell user data to any third party.

Yes. We do not sell user data and continue to follow GDPR and other requirements concerning data privacy.

Support education and outreach initiatives to promote systems literacy in society, especially in communities that need it the most.

No. Education and outreach were not areas of focus in 2023. However, we published two op-eds advocating for systems literacy:

Release features to the general public only after they have undergone an internal review of their potential unintended consequences.

Yes. We published two Release Risks to openly share our internal risk mitigation process alongside major releases this year.

Prioritize using the profits we make from enterprise licenses of our software to run and invest in R&D to sustain the income needed to run, and to then prioritize providing a reasonable return on risk to our employees and investors.

N/A. We anticipate fulfilling this commitment upon profitability.

2023 Public Benefit Report

Esther Orudiakumo

May 1, 2024

Today we are pleased to share our 2023 Public Benefit Report, which summarizes our efforts to the commitments laid out in our charter. Below is a review of each commitment and our status for each in 2023:

Below is a review of each commitment and our status for each in 2023:

Maintain a free, open, and collaborative knowledge base of the world’s systems, hosted at, that is designed to help people understand how all things in the world are statistically related.

Yes. remains free and accessible to the general public.

Promote and celebrate diversity and inclusion in our hiring and employment policies and practices at all levels of our company.

Yes. We continue to prioritize diversity and inclusion in our hiring and employment practices. We routinely report this information in our Board meeting. Here is the latest breakdown of diversity within our team:

  • % non-male (total) = 44%
  • % non-male (leadership) = 50%
  • % non-white (total) = 44%
  • % non-white (leadership) = 50%


Maintain free and open access to content shared by users on

N/A. We are not currently supporting user-generated content on

Promote the scientific method and the values of scientific thinking.

Yes. We continue to place a strong emphasis on accurately representing scientific information throughout the platform and reporting on the performance of our models. The scientific method is also reflected in the way we think and build as a team.

Share the statistical metadata on in an open and interoperable format, and to actively support open data and open science. 

Yes. We share the statistical metadata on without restriction. We actively support open science through our use of a CC license.

Uphold strict user data privacy and never sell user data to any third party.

Yes. We do not sell user data and continue to follow GDPR and other requirements concerning data privacy.

Support education and outreach initiatives to promote systems literacy in society, especially in communities that need it the most.

No. Education and outreach were not areas of focus in 2023. However, we published two op-eds advocating for systems literacy:

Release features to the general public only after they have undergone an internal review of their potential unintended consequences.

Yes. We published two Release Risks to openly share our internal risk mitigation process alongside major releases this year.

Prioritize using the profits we make from enterprise licenses of our software to run and invest in R&D to sustain the income needed to run, and to then prioritize providing a reasonable return on risk to our employees and investors.

N/A. We anticipate fulfilling this commitment upon profitability.

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